Primal RC Race Rules 2023

Click here for the original rules document. The contents are printed below. In the case of any typos or other disagreements below, the official document should be considered correct.


This is a non for profit club; all proceeds are for the permits, track equipment, maintenance and repairs, supplies and materials associated with running the club, such as track conditioning materials, batteries, awards, trophies, etc.…

    Membership Guidelines and Rules

    1. All members will be issued a club and track membership ID card.
    2. Members must have ID card when racing; you will not be permitted to race without it.
    3. All visitors will be issued a 1 day visitors pass, See club officials.
    4. No club members are allowed in the park using the track for any reason on days other than scheduled.
    5. Members caught violating any club rules by club officials or park police / Rangers are subject to immediate suspension.
    6. Club members will be required to maintain and keep their area clean of any garbage.
    7. Club members must always be mindful of their language around children.

    Vehicle Requirements

    1. All vehicles must resemble their full size model.
    2. Minimum weight requirement for all vehicles is 20 pounds without fuel
    3. Length is a minimum of 48 inches and a maximum of 62 inches for rails only.
    4. All vehicles racing for points must have a body. With the exception of the Baja class
    5. All vehicles must have an operating Failsafe.
    6. All Vehicles must have working brakes
    7. Foam Tires can only be treated with track bite ONLY!!! Anyone caught violating this rule will Forfeit all points any races and awards earned.

    Single Engine Class Format and Engine regulations

    1. Single Engine displacement limits 23cc to maximum 34cc

    Twin and big block Engine regulation

    1. Engine Displacement limits minimum 34.5cc to 110cc Big Block
    2. Engine Displacement limits 46cc to 110cc Twin block
    3. Fuel Burning Vehicles Only ( No Electric Cars)


    1. Track opens at 9 am, practice will be allowed during that time and continue until track officials Start to clean and set up the tack and system.
    2. This is a one way track, ALL drivers must use extreme caution driving back to the starting line a Maximum speed of 5 miles per hour or slower is required in order to ensure the safety of others, Any persons caught violating this rule will be issued 1 warning any further violations of this rule Will result in a two week suspension.

    Racing Format

    Single Engine

    1. Displacement limits 23cc to maximum 34cc
    2. This will be a heads up style format only.
    3. Single Engine race format is 1 and Done
    4. Winner advances to next round.
    5. First round losers will be allowed to race in the B-Main side. (1st round losers only)

    Twin and Big Block engines

    1. Heads up style racing only
    2. Race format is 1 race and done

    Report to starting line

    1. When a racer is called to the starting line he or she will have 2 minutes to report to the line.
    2. After 1 racer has reported to the line the race official will start a clock counting down from 2 Minutes, afterwards the official will stage the ready car and start a 30 second clock to commence The start of the race.


    1. Burnouts are allowed in the burnout box only, no burnouts allowed at the starting line.
    2. Racers will have 1 minute to burnout and stage. Track official will signal to start burnouts
    3. Once your car is staged and you remove your hand from the car, you are considered staged. You must be ready at all times to race, Do not touch your car at any point once staged.
    4. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR CAR if after you stage your car it rolls back out of the stage beam, Unless instructed by a race official, Only the track official can stop a race after.
    5. Track officials have the right to disqualify a racer if he or she determines a driver is trying to burn down another car or is playing staging games at the line. That decision will be final!
    6. If in the event a car stalls before they are staged the track official will start a 30 second clock that driver will have 30 seconds to start and stage their car, afterwards the lights on the Timing system will drop and the ready car will be required to make a clean pass down the track.


    1. Drivers will be allowed to make 3 qualifying passes.
    2. Each pass will be recorded for ET, MPH,
    3. Your Qualifying times will determine your position for racing.
    4. Each attempt at making a pass weather you complete the pass or not will count towards your Allowed 3 passes.
    5. During Qualifying the foul lines do not count.
    6. You must wait till all racers have made a pass before you can make your next pass.
    7. Top Qualifying time of the day will earn added points, or during an event awarded as such.


    1. First or Worse
    2. Worst
      • Center line Crossing the center line is considered the worse of all fouls, even if the other driver commits a foul Crossing the center will supersede any other fouls, such as a red light, crossing the outer lines, Any car Crossing the center line will Result in an Automatic Disqualification, In the event both drivers cross the center line the first to cross will be disqualified. After crossing the center line the race is over stop your car.
    3. First
      • The driver that commits a foul will automatically be disqualified. If both drivers commit a foul the first driver to foul will be disqualified
      • Crossing the outer lines will result in an Automatic Disqualification
    4. Red light
      • PLEASE NOTE Once your car is staged and you idle your car up causing it to move resulting in a red light that will be considered a jump, and you will be disqualified
    5. EXECPTION TO RED LIGHT RULE – If your car rolls forward but the track official has not started the race, under instructions of the track official only. You will be allowed to pull your car back behind the starting line.
    6. In the event your making a buy run and you commit a foul you will not be disqualified, but your time will not count for lane choice.

    Race Repairs

    2. If a Car stalls during a burnout, track official will start a 30 second Timer to start the race you must be ready and staged before the 30 seconds times out


    1. Refueling allowed only if a third and final race is needed
    2. Racers must be able to make two complete passes before refueling
    3. Run out of fuel during your first or second race you will be disqualified.
    4. Note: If a racer loses a race and runs out of fuel, because a racer cannot lose 2 races in a row he will be allowed to refuel
    5. Refueling allowed only if a third and final race is needed
    6. Racers must be able to make two complete passes before refueling
    7. Run out of fuel during your first or second race you will be disqualified.
    8. Note: If a racer loses a race and runs out of fuel, because a racer cannot lose 2 races in a row he will be allowed to refuel

    Baja Event Vehicle Specifications

    Sportsman Class

    1. Engine Displacement 23cc to 34cc Max.
    2. Fuel Restricted To Gasoline Only.
    3. No Nitrous or Additives of any kind.
    4. Stock wheel Base
    5. Stock like chassis it must look like a Baja.
    6. Baja complete drivetrain
    7. Rubber or foam tires are allowed in this class, however if the prep you use contaminates the track In any way by leaving any type of residue, causing the track to become wet or slippery you will be disqualified

    Pro modified

    1. Engine Displacement No Limit
    2. Fuel Restrictions No Limit
    3. Wheel Base Modifications Restricted to a maximum of 4 inches
    4. Chassis Modifications No Limit
    5. Car Must Have a Baja transmission
    6. Rubber or foam Tires allowed in this Class

    Track officials

    1. Only a track official can start a race.
    2. Only a track official can stop a race,
    3. In the event there’s a malfunction with the system the Track Officials have the final ruling over Any and all Discrepancies, including race results.
    4. Only a track official is allowed to prepare the track surface, Anyone caught tampering or adding anything to the track surface will be immediately Disqualified from the event.